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Senator Accused of Stock Trading After Coronavirus Briefing Says Democrats Are Putting Their Agenda Ahead of National Health

                                                   Senator Accused of Stock Trading After Coronavirus Briefing Says Democrats Are Putting Their Agenda Ahead of National Health

Senator Kelly Loefller has accused her Democratic colleagues 

of playing politics over the coronavirus relief bill, even as she faces 

 continued criticism for allegedly dumping millions of dollars in stocks

 following a briefing over the impact of the pandemic.

The Georgia senator attacked Democrats Sunday for voting 

down a proposed stimulus package to address the financial 

turmoil wrought by the COVID-19 coronavirus. The vote fell 

13 votes short of the 60 needed to pass, with Democrats arguing 

it favored bailing out companies over working Americans.

After the vote, Loeffler accused the Democrats of putting

 "their agenda before the health and well-being of the American people

." She tweeted: "They voted against advancing relief to hardworking 

families, hospitals, small businesses and their employees.

 Now is a time for unity and swift action, not politics as usual."

In another Twitter post, Loeffler added, "While my colleagues

 on the other side of the aisle play games, @SenateGOP and 

I won't rest until the American people get relief. 

The Senate must step up. It is time to deliver.

t was revealed last week that Loeffler and her

 husband Richard  

Sprecher—the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange—sold millions of 

dollars in stocks following a Senate briefing on January 24. At the time, 

President Donald Trump and his allies were downplaying the severity 

of the outbreak.

Loeffler and her husband are accused of selling the stocks before the

 financial market plunged as the true scale of the coronavirus threat

 became apparent. The couple sold stocks worth between 

$1,275,000 and $3,100,000 in the period from January 24 through February 


Loeffler and Sprecher have argued that the trades were made without

 their  knowledge by third-party investment managers. Speaking in the 

Senate on Sunday, Loeffler alluded to the controversy, saying

"No amount of false, politicized allegations against me or my family

 will distract me."

The senator has faced criticism from members of both parties.

 Her challenger for the Georgia seat—Representative 

Doug Collins—tweeted last week, "People are losing their jobs,

 their businesses, their retirements, and even their lives and Kelly Loeffler

 is profiting off their pain? I'm sickened just thinking about it."

Progressive Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, meanwhile, 

called on Loeffler to resign, arguing it was "stomach-churning that the

 first thoughts these Senators had to a dire & classified #COVID 

briefing was how to profit off this crisis. 

They didn't mobilize to help families, or prep response. They dumped stock."


